Welcome in the kitchen of woongroep.net!
Woongroep.net is the central place to find or offer coliving spaces or communities (coliving, central living, communities with elders, working-living communities, eco-village initatives, etcetera.
Here you find some of the most frequenty asked questions with the relevant answers.


How do I post a listing?
First choose the category you would like to post in on our homepage. From this category page, click "New listing".
To be able to post the listing you need to have created an account and be logged into it. Only registered users are able to post listings.
How can I edit my listing?
You can edit every part of your listing as long as you are logged in. To confirm, you need to click "Edit" once again. If you are going to make a lot of changes in your listing, it would probably be better to simply post a new one and delete the old one.
How can I delete my listing?
Go to your listing. At the bottom of the page you will find two buttons, "Delete this listing" and "Extend listing for x days". To delete your listing, click "Delete this listing". For security purposes, you will be asked to confirm your deletion.
How can I extend my listing?
You can extend your listing when there are ~40 days left before removal. You will be notified by email when this date approaches. Once this condition is met, go to your listing. At the bottom of the page you will find two buttons, "Delete this listing" and "Extend listing for x days". To extend your listing, click "Extend this listing".
How can I ensure my listing will be found and read by others?
Make sure you are as clear as possible and fill out all of the fields. This increases the chance people will find your listing.
Why do you ask for donations?
The service woongroep.net provides is free. We intend to keep it that way, however there are costs involved in keeping the site online. This is why we ask for any donations, big or small, to be transferred to our bank account.
Perhaps when you have found a new home or a new member through our site.
Our bank details are as follows: IBAN: NL69 INGB 0002 0157 96 name: Vereniging Gemeenschappelijk Wonen, Utrecht o.v.v. 'Donatie Woongroep.net'

You can also support us by becoming a member of the VGW (or alternatively the LVGO)


Inquiries about this website
For any and all inquiries about this website contact: peter@antenna.nl (Peter Bakker)


Why do I need to register for this site?
We want to ensure that the information posted on our site is as trustworthy as possible. By making users register before they are allowed to post a listing, we can make sure that the user who posted is connected to the same email address as in the listing. Whenever someone responds to a listing, the poster is notified through email. This is how we deter fake listings from being posted.
I forgot my password, how can I get it back?
On your account page you will find a link at the top right that says "Change password". By clicking it, you will be redirected to a page where you can enter a new password without needing your old one.

About us

Why this site?
Jasper spent a year looking for a co-living space where there was room for a couple and their child. This proved to be quite difficult. Some municipalities had a database with some groups, sometimes there was an ad in the paper and there were various sites which were manually edited by one person. There was not one easily accessible and central place where you could easily search for a co-living space. This is why Jasper chose to build exactly such a place, together with his friend Joost. Woongroep.net is administered by VGW.
What is the Vereniging Gemeenschappelijk Wonen?
The VGW is an association consisting of over 70 co-living communities throughout the Netherlands. To us, co-living is any living space where the inhabitants consciously choose to live as a community, where all households have their own space and additionally share communal spaces and supplies. According to the VGW, co-living contributes to social development, emancipation, environmental awareness, solidarity and social justice. You can find a lot of information about various forms of co-living, many useful addresses such as 800+ co-living communities, help in setting up your own co-living space, and much more on their site GemeenschappelijkWonen.nl (Dutch only).
Can I post a link to my own site on woongroep.net?
As you can see, there are no external links throughout the site. This is because we want to focus on our main goal: bringing co-living space supply and demand together. On Gemeenschappelijkwonen.nl you can find a large number of links.
How popular is this site?
To get an idea of our site's popularity, see our statistics page.